Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Morocco - Chefchaouen

Sam being hassled to buy hash for the 10th time on our first day

Jane & Sam

Chefchaouen is completely painted blue as a tradition brought about by the large Jewish population which used to live there.  Or if you ask the locals it is painted blue to confuse mosquitoes which think it is the sky and fly away from it???

Traditional Moroccan Tajine and where ever there is food there is a cat waiting with starving eyes.




Sam Jane & I got lured into this spice, herb & rug shop La Vida Colorada

Owned by this extremely happy, charasmatic and creepy guy named Ibrihim who convinced us to buy rugs off him while he showered us with free mint tea, strange medicinal herbs and hugged us more times than I can count!

Sam & Ibrihim

Sam, Ibrihim & Jane

Sian & Ibrihim

Ibrihim insisted we try on some traditional Moroccan attire!

At the end of our La Vida Colorada experience we were a little stunned and 60euros down! Photos, rugs and memories we will never forget! 

On the Ferry from Morocco to Spain

Duty free Whiskey we bought on the ferry! 

Sorry Jane....we tried!!